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K13 - Taylors Creek - Newport Formation

This information has been developed from the publications:

  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in the Western Region of Melbourne (1986) by Neville Rosengren
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance on the Coast of Port Phillip Bay (1988) by Neville Rosengren.
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in the Shire of Otway (1984) by Neville Rosengren.
Geological heritage sites, including sites of geomorphological interest and volcanic heritage sites, are under regular revision by the Geological Society of Australia, especially in the assessment of significance and values. Reference should be made to the most recent reports. See the Earth Science Heritage section of the Geological Society of Australia website (external link) for details of geological heritage reports, and a bibliography.

LocationSunshine - 080220. Former City of Keilor. Northern valley slope of Taylors Creek (also known as Green Gully and Saltwater Creek) upstream of St Albans Road.

K13 - Intra-basaltic sediments, Green Gully, Keilor.
AccessSt Albans Road
OwnershipCrown land

Site Description

Overlying Older Basalts along the northern side of Taylors Creek and fossiliferous ferruginous grits which include wood fragments. Limestone and diatomaceous deposits along the stream have no been obscured by extensions of the Keilor Tip.


Local. The significance of the site has been greatly reduced by the extensions to the Keilor Tip in recent years. The site illustrates one of the most inland exposures of the Newport Formation.


The remaining unmodified northern valley slopes should be left in that condition.

Map K13

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