These Calcarosols are commonly referred to as "Mallee Soils". They occur mainly on the undulating plains, located to the north west of the survey. The soil group has gradational texture profiles that are calcareous throughout, structureless and deep to very deep (1-5 m).
Surface Soil
Very dark brown to red-brown sandy loam to clay loam (commonly sandy clay loam or loam), apedal (usually moderately to slightly compacted). Soil consistence is soft (dry and moist) and non-plastic and non- to slightly sticky (wet). Carbonates occur in varied amounts.
Dominantly reddish brown to red (commonly mottled) sandyclay loam to sandy medium clay (very gradual increase in clay content with depth), apedal ‘moderately or weakly coherent’. Soil consistence is loose to soft (dry and moist) and moderately plastic and moderately sticky (wet). Soil plasticity and stickiness usually rise with depth, following the increase in clay content. Carbonates are present in varied amounts.
Soil Inclusions
Carbonates (lime) are a prominent feature of these soils. They occur in the fine earth fraction and as soft and hard segregations. Commonly, the amounts of visible carbonates increase with depth. Carbonates in the fine earth fractions contribute to the apparent clayiness of the field texture, so that subsoils usually seem to be more clayey then indicated by their true clay content. The depth to the horizon of maximum carbonate content varies between profiles and is a diagnostic feature of these soils in the field.
Dark manganiferous segregations may be present in the subsoils.
Soil Reaction (pH)
The soil reaction trend shows an increase in pH value down the profile. The soils are neutral to moderately alkaline at the surface, becoming strongly alkaline with depth.
In the present survey, the Calcareous Earths Group includes the following soil series: