If the farm is stocked lightly; soils are low in nutrients/fertility (i.e. Olsen P < 12), and ryegrass content of pasture is low, then Nitrogen (N) fertiliser will not be an economic option for you - it could be cheaper to buy in feed to fill “gaps”.
Inspect pastures to see whether urine patches indicate that pasture will respond well to N. Urine patches should be a darker green than surrounding areas and should display an obvious dry matter response relative to the rest of the pasture.
Applying N to the whole farm could produce more pasture than is needed. Applying too little N may result in poor response or feed running short.
Depending on the time of the year, N should be applied before feed shortage occurs (approximately 3-4 weeks for spring, 3-5 weeks for autumn, 4-8 weeks for winter). Ensure stocking rates are adjusted to utilise the additional food grown. Rank undergrazed pastures indicate wasted grazing opportunities and will limit subsequent pasture regrowth.
N rates should not exceed 50-60 kg N/ ha in any single application. Maximum annual rates should not exceed 140-200 kg N/ha. High levels of N do have a negative effect on clover growth and will increase leaching into groundwater and waterways and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Where possible, choose paddocks that have a dense actively growing pasture to maximise N response. These are usually the paddocks with the best soil fertility. Apply N to pasture with a height of 4-8 cm (1300-1600 kg DM/ha) - this is when best responses are achieved, as there is sufficient leaf area to utilise limited sunlight (particularly in winter).
N Fertiliser does not need rain to wash it into the soil. Most N fertilisers draw moisture from the humidity within the pasture and will dissolve into the soil within 24 hrs. N application from July-September should not be applied when high rainfall is predicted.
N should be thought of as a supplement, not a fertiliser. This means N is only applied when there is a feed gap (Autumn-Spring), it may result in no N being used in a good year, but as much as 200 kgs in a bad year when feed is short.
Usually N levels in pasture drop off to acceptable levels by 18-21 days after application.Do not graze 7-14 days after N application as levels are at their highest. Ideally apply N fertilisers 1-3 days after grazing to give plants as much time as possible to take up N before the next grazing.
N can be applied before grazing (just before) but ensure immediate grazing occurs, since delaying it will result in very high nitrate levels in the grass.
Avoid unimproved pastures, those dominated by weeds and waterlogged or poorly drained paddocks, as these will not be able to make the most effective use of applied N and may result in leaching and run-off occurring.