The small Wild Duck Creek Salinity Province is located on the eastern edge of the North Central CMA region where it drains to the north into Lake Eppalock, providing significant salt loads to the lake. Dryland salinity is expressed as drainage line and ‘break-of-slope’ occurrences below the metamorphic aureole of the McHaig Ranges where it is also affected by structural geology (faulting). This province has a complex assembly of geology types with a granite pluton in the south extending to meta-sedimentary, both marine and glacial deposits in the north. Groundwater flow is via local to intermediate scale Groundwater Flow Systems in the fractured and weathered, Palaeozoic rock system of the aureole, which is considered a high recharge zone. |
Catchment Management Region: | NORTH CENTRAL |
Priority Status: | High |
Province Area: | 32,160 ha |
Recorded Soil Salinity Area 1: | 302 ha |
Dominant Surface Geology Type: | Sedimentary |
Influence of Geological Structure on Salinity Occurrence/s: | Definite |
Relevant Geomorphological Mapping Units (GMUs): | 2.1.X |
Predominant Groundwater Flow Systems (GFSs): | Local/Intermediate |
Relevant Irrigation Areas: | N/A |