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Norton Sandy Clay

Map Symbol: Nosc

Geology: Late Tertiary to Quaternary.

Landform: Gentle slopes and flats in inter-dune corridor positions.

Occurrence: Norton sandy clay occurs as a sub-dominant soil mapping unit on very gentle slopes and flats in the dune and swale and river frontage landscape units. The largest single occurrence of this soil unit is in the southern part of the Quantong area north of the Wimmera River.

Classification Range: The only site formally classified was Site IS32.

Native Vegetation: A tall woodland formation characterised by Grey Box (E. microcarpa), Buloke (C. luehmannii) and Yellow Gum (E. leucoxylon) may have been dominant on areas of this soil unit.

Generalised Soil Type:

Surface Soil

A110/20 - 40 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) sandy clay or sandy clay loam; plastic; weak medium subangular blocky structure; strong consistence dry, sticky consistence wet; sharp change to:

B2110/20 - 40 cmGreyish brown (2.5Y5/2), sporadically bleached (10YR7/3d)below 30 cm medium clay; plastic; weak coarse prismatic structure; strong consistence dry, sticky consistence wet; sharp change to:
B2240 - 150 cmOlive (5Y5/6) with pale brown (10YR6/3) mottled heavy clay, [becoming strong brown (7.5YR5/6) below 80 cm]; plastic; large slickensides present; strong consistence dry, sticky consistence wet; contains very few (< 2%) soft carbonates, becoming common (10-20%) below 80 cm but absent below 120 cm; sharp change to:

B3150 - 215 cmPale yellow (5Y7/3) medium clay (sandy); plastic; large slickensides present; strong consistence dry, sticky consistence wet; contains few (2-10%) soft carbonates, becoming very few (< 2%) below 180 cm.
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