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Kongwak, deep sand overlay (Kw,s)


Paleozoic sediments (sandstones, mudstones and shales) overlain by Quaternary sands to a variable depth. Occasional outcrops of rock occur.


Rolling low hills.


Most of the surface soils are deep sands. The surface soils are dark grey sands or loamy sands becoming light grey sands by about 30 cm. Strong brown, yellow-brown and reddish brown variably cemented sands, often called "coffee rock", occur at about 70 to 100 cm. Brownish yellow often mottled with grey sands occur below the cemented zone.

In the lower parts of the landscape the colour of the surface and subsoils soils is similar but the textures may be sandy loam or fine sandy loam. The "coffee rock" is generally present and mottled grey and yellow-brown sandy clays occur in the deep subsoil.


Waratah Bay and Bald Hills.

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