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23. Mt Tanjil

This information has been developed from the publications:

  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in Central Gippsland (1981) by Neville Rosengren, M.S McRae-Williams and S.M Kraemers,
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance on the Coast of Port Phillip Bay and in the Catchment of Westernport Bay (1984, 88) by Neville Rosengren.
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in the South Gippsland Marine and Coastal Parks (1989) by Neville Rosengren.
Geological heritage sites, including sites of geomorphological interest and volcanic heritage sites, are under regular revision by the Geological Society of Australia, especially in the assessment of significance and values. Reference should be made to the most recent reports. See the Earth Science Heritage (external link) section of the Geological Society of Australia website for details of geological heritage reports, and a bibliography.

Location:337902. Eight kilometres north-east of Willow Grove.


Ervis Track via Serpentine Road.


Crown Land.


Sinclair Valley Sandstone outcrops in a prominent strike ridge which extends from Mount Tanjil to Bull Beef Creek, three kilometres to the south. The best exposures of the sandstones and siltstones comprising the Formation occur in road cuttings of the Mount Carmel Track.


Regional. Strike ridges are a characteristic feature of the Sinclair Valley Sandstone in the Tanjil River Anticlinorium. The Mount Tanjil strike ridge is the most prominent.


Because of the area covered by the site it is unlikely that limited land disturbance would result in deterioration of site significance. Road widening and extension, excavation and mining on a small scale, would all be compatible with site maintenance.


VandenBerg, A.H.M. 1975. Definitions and description of middle Ordovician to middle Devonian rock units of the Warburton district, East Central Victoria.
Rep. geol. Surv. Vict., 1975/6.
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