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6. Agnes River and Falls

This information has been developed from the publication:

  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in Central Gippsland (1981) by Neville Rosengren, M.S McRae-Williams and S.M Kraemers
Geological heritage sites, including sites of geomorphological interest and volcanic heritage sites, are under regular revision by the Geological Society of Australia, especially in the assessment of significance and values. Reference should be made to the most recent reports. Reference should be made to the most recent reports. See the Earth Science Heritage (external link) section of the Geological Society of Australia website for details of geological heritage reports, and a bibliography.


450226 to 457213. Valley of Agnes River from Agnes Falls for a distance of 1.5 kilometres downstream.

Image: West Gippsland Sites of Significance
Agnes Falls.


Agnes Falls Road off South Gippsland or Midland Highways.


Mainly private land. Some Crown Land near the falls.


Massive arkose beds form a series of falls and cascades in the Agnes River and outcrop for some distance downstream as river cliffs. The falls occur at the knick point where the Agnes crosses the edge of the uplifted Gelliondale Monocline block. Below the falls, the river is deeply incised and bordered by a narrow, intermittent bedrock terrace.


State. The falls and gorge are one of the major relief features of the South Gippsland Hills. They display one of the best exposures of Mesozoic rocks in the southern part of the study area and provide a clear example of the processes that have produced the deeply dissected terrain.


Management should aim at preserving the unity of the gorge and deep valley. Dam construction in the valley below the Agnes Falls should be prohibited. Quarrying should not be permitted along this sector.

Image: West Gippsland Sites of Significance
Agnes River gorge below Agnes Falls.
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