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Victorian Resources Online - What area can be irrigated?

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A typical centre pivot system in the Shepparton Irrigation Region (SIR) irrigates 35 to 50 ha. There are systems that irrigate up to 100 ha. However, the larger systems typically have high average application rates at the outside of the circle that may exceed the infiltration rate of the soil and cause run-off. Further information is given in Step

Towable pivots – Most manufacturers offer towable pivot versions. This makes it possible to use one pivot structure to irrigate two (or more) circles. However, over summer high water use demands make irrigation of more than one circle impractical (if not impossible). Two (or more?) circles of winter crops and one summer crop circle can be managed with one towable pivot.

Lateral moves – These share similar technology to pivots, and are suited to large rectangular areas – up to 200 ha. See Step “Centre Pivot or Lateral Move?”.

General information on centre-pivots and lateral move systems can be found on Queensland Government - Water Management - Fact Sheets (sprinkler irrigation section) (external link).

Image:  Lateral Movement
Lateral Move
Towable Pivot
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