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Australian Soil Classification: Haplic, Eutrophic, Red CHROMOSOL (medium loamy surface)
Northcote Factual Key: Dr 2.33Great Soil Group: red-brown earth
General Landscape Description: Level plain with prior stream activity.

GN29 landscape
GN29 Landscape

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

A10-25 cmReddish brown (5YR4/4) fine sandy loam; pH 6.1; abrupt change to:
GN29 profile
GN29 Profile
A225-30 cmYellowish red (5YR4/6) sporadically bleached fine sandy loam; very firm consistence dry; pH 6.9; abrupt change to:
B2130-60 cmRed (2.5YR4/8) fine sandy clay; some mixing with surface horizon material; weak to moderate coarse blocky structure; contains a trace (< 2%) amount of manganese stains; pH 7.1; clear change to:
B2260-85 cmRed (2.5YR4/8) and dark red (2.5YR3/6) fine sandy clay loam; contains a few (2-5 %) manganese stains associated with root channels; pH 8.4; clear change to:
B3185-140 cmStrong brown (7/5YR4/8) light fine sandy loam (micaceous); pH 8.3; clear change to:
B32140 cm+Pale brown (10YR6/3) [with yellowish brown (10YR5/4) associated with root channels] sandy loam (micaceous).

Key Profile Features:
  • Moderate texture contrast between surface (A) horizons and upper subsoil (B21) horizon.
Soil Profile Characteristics:
Salinity Rating
Surface soil
(A1 horizon)
Slightly Acid
Very Low
Upper subsoil
(B21 horizon)
Slightly Alkaline
Very Low
Deep subsoil
(at 1 m)
Moderately Alkaline
Very Low

GN29 graphs

Management Considerations:

Surface (A) Horizons

  • The surface soil has a very high fine sand (54%) and silt (19%) content. Organic matter has a very important influence on soil aggregation in such soils and is also important in terms of fertility and water holding capacity.
  • The relatively low wilting point value (6 %) indicates that plants will be better able to utilise light rains falling on relatively dry soil compared to the more heavier textured surface soils on nearby soil types.
Subsoil (B) Horizons
  • The nutrient status (based on the sum of the exchangeable basic cations) of the upper subsoil is low-moderate.
  • The upper subsoil is non-sodic and has a reasonable calcium:magnesium ratio (ie. 1.6). Slight dispersion occurs but the soil should be relatively well drained.

Profile described by Mark Imhof and Paul Rampant (4/6/96)
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