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Property: ISIA TaturaAustralian Soil Classification: Sodic, Hypocalcic, Brown CHROMOSOL
Northcote Factual Key: Dy 2.13Great Soil Group: red-brown earth (hydromorphic variant)
General Landscape Description: Level plain with prior stream activity.

GN28 landscape
GN28 Landscape

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

A110-5 cmDark brown (10YR4/3) loam, fine sandy; abundant plant roots (> 50%); clear change to:
GN28 profile
GN28 Profile
A125-12 cmDark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) [sporadically bleached in patches] clay loam; rusty root channel mottling present; weak coarse blocky structure; firm consistence, slightly moist; contains many (20 - 30 %) ferromanganiferous nodules and concretions (5 -10 mm size); rusty root channel mottling present; pH 6.5; abrupt and wavy change to:
B2112-45 cmYellowish brown (10YR5/4 and 5/6) medium clay; moderate coarse blocky structure; strong consistence, slightly moist; contains very few (2 %) manganese stains; pH 7.4; clear change to:
B2245-90 cmYellowish brown (10YR5/6 and 6/6) medium clay; moderate coarse blocky, breaking down to moderate fine polyhedral structure; strong consistence, slightly moist; contains few (5-10 %) manganese stains and a trace amount of soft carbonate; pH 7.8; clear change to:
B2390-120 cmLight olive brown (2.5Y5/4) medium clay; strong fine polyhedral, breaking down to strong very fine polyhedral structure; pH 8.5.

Key Profile Features:
  • Strong texture contrast between surface (A) horizons and subsoil (B21).
Soil Profile Characteristics:
Salinity Rating
Surface soil
(A1 horizon)
Slightly Acid
Very Low
Upper subsoil
(B21 horizon)
Slightly Alkaline
Very Low
Deep subsoil
(at 1 m)
Strongly Alkaline
Very Low
1 complete dispersion after remoulding

GN28 graphs

Management Considerations:

Surface (A) Horizons

  • The surface soil has a high fine sand (36%) and silt (33%) content. Organic matter is important for maintaining soil aggregation for such soils. Reduction in organic matter levels due to cultivation will promote slaking and resultant surface sealing; restricting infiltration and plant emergence.
Subsoil (B) Horizons
  • The upper subsoil is non-sodic, but does disperse (although not strongly). This may occur due to the high levels of exchangeable magnesium (ie. 39 %) and indicates that some restriction to water and root movement will occur. The presence of rusty root channel mottling in the surface horizon suggests that some restricted drainage occurs in the soil profile. The subsoils of Goulburn loam soils are generally regarded as having poorer drainage characteristics than Lemnos loam subsoils.

Profile described by Mark Imhof and Paul Rampant (4/6/96)
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