This information has been developed from the publications:
Location: | 750246. 500 metres east of railway crossing on Bruthen - Buchan Road. | ![]() Haunted Hill Gravel, unconformably overlying Ordovician sediments near Bruthen. |
Abstract: | Ordovician - Tertiary unconformity. | |
Access: | Bruthen - Buchan Road. | |
Ownership: | Crown land. | |
Geology: | The cutting on the southern side of the road displays strongly cross-bedded and ferruginous sand and gravels resting with marked angular unconformity on steeply dipping and faulted Ordovician sandstones and slates. The sands and gravels are typical of the non-marine Haunted Hill Gravel which overlies the Palaeozoic and Tertiary rocks in south-east and east Gippsland. | |
Significance: | Regional. This site clearly displays the nature of the contact between the Haunted Hill Gravel and the Palaeozoic rocks. | |
Management: | The interest of the site is dependent upon maintaining the clear exposure of the angular unconformity. Future roadwork programmes need to take account of this. |