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Location: Wallington Road, Leopold District, Bellarine Peninsula

Australian Soil Classification: Melanic, Lithic, Calcic, CALCAROSOL

General Landscape Description: Mid slope within a low hills / scarp unit
Geology: Palaeogene Maude Formation: marine limestone (possibly sandy)

CLRA32 landscape
CLRA32 Landscape. Cutting on Wallington Road

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

0–20 cmDark brown (7.5YR3/2); clay loam, fine sandy; abundant small to medium sub-rounded calcareous coarse fragments; strong fine prismatic and strong fine sub-angular blocky, parting to very fine sub-angular blocky structure; rough fabric; very firm consistence dry; pH 8.5; gradual boundary to:

CLRA32 profile
CLRA32 Profile

20–25 cmBrown (7.5YR4/2); fine sandy loam; many medium to large sub-rounded calcareous coarse fragments; moderate fine prismatic and moderate fine, parting to very fine sub-angular blocky structure; rough fabric; weak consistence dry; pH 9.0; clear boundary to:

25 cm +Massive limestone.

Management Considerations:
  • This shallow medium textured soil on limestone has poor plant water holding capacity and poor nutrient holding capacity due to depth limitations but due to the high calcium content it is quite stable.
  • The high alkalinity will limit some nutrient availability.

Profile Described By: David Rees (December 2002).
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