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Location: CooriemungleAustralian Soil Classification: Melacic, Sesquic, Semiaquic PODOSOL
Great Soil Group: podzolGeneral Landscape Description: Convex rise on valley floor
Geology: alluvium derived from Hanson Plain Sand

South West Gasp Pipeline GP55 Landscape
SW55 Landscape

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

A10-?Black (10YR2/1 moist, 10YR4/1 dry); sandy loam; weak medium (5-20 mm) polyhedral structure; weak consistence; abrupt and smooth change to:
South West Gasp Pipeline GP55 Profile
SW55 Profile
A2?-20 cmDark greyish brown (10YR4/2 moist), conspicuously bleached (10YR8/1 dry); fine sandy clay loam; apedal; massive; weak consistence; abrupt and wavy change to:

B21s20-50 cmDark yellowish brown (10YR4/4 moist and 10YR6/8 dry); light sandy clay; massive; weak to firm consistence; clear and wavy change to:
B22s(h)50-80 cmBrownish yellow (10YR6/6) and Brown (10YR4/3); (very dark grey (7.5YR3/1 moist) on exterior of peds and in root channels); medium heavy clay; coarse (20-50 mm) polyhedral, parting to fine medium [10-15 mm] polyhedral structure; firm consistence:
B23g80 cm+Grey (10YR5/1), yellowish brown (10YR5/6 moist) and red (2.5YR5/8 moist) mottles common in interior of peds; (dark grey to black coatings on ped faces and in root channels); medium heavy clay; coarse (30-50 mm) blocky, parting to medium [10-20 mm] polyhedral structure.
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