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Mount Lawaluk

This information has been obtained from the report: Eruption Points of the Newer Volcanic Province of Victoria by Neville Rosengren. This report was published in 1994 and was prepared for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and the Geological Society of Australia (Victorian Division). The review of eruption points was based on an earlier unpublished manuscript Catalogue of the post-Miocene volcanoes of Victoria compiled by O P Singleton and E B Joyce (Geology Department, University of Melbourne 1970).

Geological heritage sites, including sites of geomorphological interest and volcanic heritage sites, are under regular revision by the Geological Society of Australia, especially in the assessment of significance and value. Reference should be made to the most recent reports. See the Earth Science Heritage (external link) section of the Geological Society of Australia website for details of geological heritage reports, and a bibliography.

Location:37 50 00S 143 53 00E (external link): 7622-2-1 (Grenville) 538084. 20 km S of Bunninyong Shelford - Mt Mercer Road.
Image: Eruption Point Ballarat Mt Lawaluk
Mt Lawaluk lava disc.


Land Tenure/Use:

Private land.
Grazing and farm property.

Type 3:

Lava disc.

This small, lava-capped mesa (flat-topped hill) has been described as a circular lava disc with steep rocky sides. There is a shallow basin on the top and prominent cliffed basalt outcrop on the north and north-east side. Ollier (1967a, 1969) cited this as an example of a lava disc, an unusual eruption whereby a single sheet of lava swells in a bulbous form from a vent - the congealed skin containing a more fluid interior - and then collapses or deflates to spread radially as a flattened or concave disc.

370+ m; 30 m.


This site has been cited as the type example of a small lava disc. There are very few such structures described.


Ollier, C.D. & Joyce, E.B. (1964). Volcanic physiography of the Western Plains of Victoria.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 77, pp. 357-376.
Ollier, C. D. (1967a). Landforms of the Newer Volcanic Province of Victoria. In J.N. Jennings & J.A. Mabbutt (eds), Landform studies from Australia and New Guinea. ANU Press, pp. 315-339.
Ollier, C.D. (1969). Volcanoes. ANU Press, Canberra.
King, R.L. (1985). Explanatory note on the Ballarat 1:250 000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 75.
King, R.L. (1990b). Geological features on the Ballarat 1:250 000 sheet. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report 1990/8.

Image: Eruption Point Ballarat Mt Lawaluk
Mount Lawaluk.
Image: Eruption Point Ballarat Mt Lawaluk
Mount Lawaluk.
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