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Drung Sandy Loam

Map Symbol: Dsl

Geology: Late Tertiary to Quaternary Shepparton Formation.

Landform: Level areas, gentle slopes and crests of slight rises and on prior stream levees.

Occurrence: Drung sandy loam occurs as a sub-dominant soil mapping unit on the eroded ridge crest, gently undulating plains, black box flats, flood plain, prior stream flood plain and lake and lunette landscape units. It occurs on the higher parts of the eroded ridge crest landscape unit in the Coromby area and on the lunette of a lake and lunette landscape unit in the Drung area. Drung sandy clay loam occurs on the levees of the Yarriambiack and Corkers Creeks on the prior stream flood plain unit and as local slight rises on the gently undulating plains, high plains, black box flats, flood plain and prior steam flood plain landscape units. This soil unit was not recorded on the other landscape units.

Representative Soil Type: Site IS16

Vegetation: Yellow Gum (E. leucoxylon) stands occur on this soil unit on prior stream levee situations. On other landscapes Buloke (Casuarina luehmannii) may have been a dominant species.

Generalised Soil Type:

Surface Soil

A10 - 2/10 cmDark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) sandy loam (occasionally loamy sand); hardsetting surface condition; weak coarse granular structure; sharp change to:

A2e2/10 - 15/20 cmDark brown (7.5YR4/4) conspicuously bleached (7.5YR7/3d) sandy loam; weak coarse granular structure; very weak consistence dry and wet; sharp change to:

A3e15/20-20/25 cmDark brown (7.5YR4/4) conspicuously bleached (7.5YR7/3d) loamy sand; cemented capping; sharp change to:


B2120/25 - 45 cmYellowish red (5YR4/6) medium or heavy clay; weak or moderate, medium to very coarse prismatic structure; gradual change to:

B2245 - 70 cmStrong brown (7.5YR5/6) light or medium clay; weak coarse prismatic structure; gradual change to:

B2370 - 95 cmStrong brown (7.5YR5/6) light or medium clay; weak coarse prismatic structure; contains a slight (2-10%) amount of soft carbonate; sharp change to:

B395 - 130 cmBrown (10YR5/3) with common medium and distinct yellowish red (5YR4/6) mottled sandy clay or sandy clay loam; weak, medium to coarse subangular blocky structure; contains a trace (< 2%) or slight (2-10%) amount of soft carbonate.
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