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Location: Stradbroke.Australian Soil Classification: Melacic, Humosesquic, Aeric PODOSOL.
Great Soil Group: podsol.Geology: Pleistocene aeolian sediments.
General Landscape Description: Longitudinal dunefield.Mapping Unit: Gormandale.
Site Description: 7% slope to the south.

Soil Profile Morphology:

Surface Soil

A10-30 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2); loamy sand; single grained; very weak consistence moist; pH 3.8; clear and smooth transition to:
Photo: CFTT 17 Profile
Site CFTT 17 Soil Profile
A2130-50 cmLight grey (10YR6/1); sand; single grained; loose when dry; pH 4.2; diffuse and smooth transition to:
A2250-115cmWhite (10YR8/1); sand; single grained; loose when dry; pH 4.6; sharp and wavy transition to:

Bhs115-135 cmDark reddish brown (5YR3/3) and yellowish red (5YR5/8); sand; with continuous tongues of weakly cemented and massive "coffee rock"; pH 4.2; gradual and smooth transition to:
C135-190 cmDark reddish brown (5YR3/3) and yellowish red (5YR5/8); sand; single grained; many ferruginous nodules (less than 60 mm).

Key Profile Features:
  • Deep sandy surface horizons.
  • Conspicuously bleached, very thick subsurface (A2) horizons.
  • Accumulation or iron-organic matter compounds (i.e. "coffee rock") in subsoil.

Soil Profile Characteristics:

Salinity Rating
(A1 horizon)
Extremely Acid
Very low
(Bhs horizon)
Extremely Acid
Very Low

Graph: pH levels in Site CFTT 17

The soil profile is extremely
acid throughout.
Graph: Coarse Sand in Site CFTT 17

The levels of coarse sand are
high throughout the profile.
Graph: Salinity levels in Site CFTT 17

The level of soluble salts
is very low throughout the
Graph: Clay% in Site CFTT 17

The clay content is very low
throughout the profile.

Management Considerations:
  • These strongly acidic sandy soils have a very low nutrient holding capacity and are considered infertile – being naturally deficient in nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and potassium. Nitrate and sulphate are readily removed by leaching. Deficiencies of trace elements such as copper, zinc and molybdenum are likely to occur. The trace element boron (B) leaches rapidly through acid sandy soils and deficiencies are also likely to occur.
Profile Described By: Ian Sargeant and Justin (10/6/99).
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