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Drung Sandy Clay Loam

Map Symbol: Dscl

Australian Soil Classification: Profiles have been classified as Red and Brown SODOSOLS.
Northcote Factual Key: Codes include Dr 2.33 and Db 1.13.
Great Soil Group: Mainly red-brown earths.

Geology: Late Tertiary to Quaternary Shepparton Formation and possibly also Tertiary (late Miocene to Pliocene).

Landform: Level areas, gentle slopes and crests of slight rises.

Occurrence: Drung sandy clay loam occurs as a dominant soil mapping unit on the eroded ridge crest landscape and as a sub-dominant mapping unit on other landscapes. It was not observed on either the dune and swale or the sand plain landscape unit. The soil unit occurs on the higher parts of the eroded ridge crest landscape unit which, in the survey area, occurs only in the vicinity of Coromby, north of Murtoa. On the prior stream flood plain landscape unit, Drung sandy clay loam is found on the gentle slopes of the levees of the Yarriambiack and Corkers Creeks. The soil unit also occurs on the lunettes of the lake and lunette landscape unit, except the unit two kilometres south east of Murtoa. On the remaining landscapes, Drung sandy clay loam often occurs on local slight rises.

Representative Soil Type: Site IS14 is a representative soil type for Drung sandy clay loam.

Vegetation: Stands of Buloke (Casuarina luehmannii) occur on isolated areas of this soil unit.

Generalised Soil Description:

Surface Soil

A10 - 5 cmBrown (7.5YR4/4) or dark brown (7.5YR4/3) sandy clay loam; hardsetting surface condition; weak coarse granular structure (sometimes blocky); sharp change to:

A25 - 10/15 cmBrown (7.5YR4/4 and 4/3), sporadically bleached (10YR7/1, 10YR7/2d) (occasionally no bleach) sandy clay loam; weak coarse granular or blocky structure; sharp change to:

B2110/15 - 45/60 cmReddish brown (5YR4/4), brown (7.5YR4/4) or yellowish red (5YR5/4 or 5/6) medium or heavy clay; plastic; moderate coarse to very coarse prismatic structure; strong consistence dry, sticky consistence wet; occasionally contains a trace (< 2%) amount of carbonate; sharp or clear change to:

B2245/60 - 65/130 cmYellowish brown (10YR5/8), strong brown (7.5YR5/6), pale brown (10YR6/3) or light brownish grey (10YR6/2) with occasional faint yellowish red (5YR4/6) finely mottled medium or heavy clay; plastic; weak moderate blocky structure with large slickensides; strong consistence dry, sticky consistence wet; contains a slight (2-10%) amount of soft or a trace (< 2%) amount of hard carbonate; impenetrable rock may occur as shallow as 75 cm.
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