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Bungalally Clay

Map Symbol: Bc

Geology: Late Pleistocene to Holocene, lacustrine deposits.

Landform: Usually a level closed depression (playa landform element).

Occurrence: Bungalally clay occurs as a dominant soil mapping unit, wherever it occupies the lake beds of lake and lunette landscape units, and as a sub-dominant mapping unit in shallow depressions on the flood plain landscape unit. It also occurs within the high plains landscape unit. This soil is found in the Drung area south east of Horsham and north and north west of Dock Lake.

Representative Soil Type: Site IS21

Vegetation: Black Box (Eucalyptus largiflorens).

Generalised Soil Type:

Surface Soil

A10 - 20 cmDark grey (10YR4/1) light, medium or heavy clay; subplastic; self-mulching surface condition; moderate to strong, medium to coarse angular blocky structure; very strong consistence dry, slightly sticky consistence wet; sharp change to:

B2120 - 45/65 cmDark grey (10YR4/1) light to heavy clay; subplastic; moderate or strong very coarse prismatic structure parting to coarse blocky aggregates; strong consistence dry, slightly sticky consistence wet; gradual change to:

B22145/65 - 135 cmGrey (10YR4/1) heavy clay; plastic; moderate medium angular blocky structure; very strong consistence dry, slightly sticky consistence wet; contains a trace (< 2%) amount of hard and a slight amount of soft carbonate; gradual change to:

B222135 - 190 cmGrey (10YR5/1) medium clay; plastic; moderate angular blocky structure; very strong consistence dry, slightly sticky consistence wet.
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