![]() | Foreword | Executive Summary | Introduction | The East Gippsland Region | Erosion assessment for East Gippsland | Regional Priorities | Regional catchment strategy soils targets | Regional soils program | Implementation structure | Conclusion | References | Appendix A: Landform and geology | Appendix B: Land Use Impact Model (LUIM) | Appendix C: Land use | Appendix D: Erosion susceptibility | Appendix E: Land management practice tables | Appendix F: Gully erosion assessment sheet | Appendix G: Asset values | Appendix H: Area statements of high likelihood and risk of erosion | Appendix I: Uncertainty, limitations, assumptions and validation of LUIM |
Soil is one of the basics of life for plants and animals. It is the medium on which we grow our food, build our houses; it creates the landscape that we rely on for recreation and on which we live. Simply, soil erosion is the movement of soil from one place to another by either water or wind and is the mechanism Mother Nature uses to sculpt the earth. This natural process may be exacerbated by human activities such as the production or transport of food and fibre. Soil erosion may threaten the survival of aquatic life, reduce agricultural productivity and decrease the quality of water supplies to towns and cities.
As a result of the threat of soil erosion to the assets of the region the East Gippsland Catchment Management’s Regional Catchment Strategy’s Soils Action Plan “aims to maintain the condition of soils used for agriculture for future generations”. A first step was to develop a Soil Erosion Management Plan to identify the areas most susceptible to erosion in the region and therefore enable land managers to make more informed decisions about how to manage the soil for the future. A task that has been made immensely easier by the Corangamite and West Gippsland regions that embarked on this daunting task before us and from which we have benefited greatly in the development of the East Gippsland Soil Erosion Management Plan.
Finally, I would like to thank all those people who have contributed to the project and in particular the project manager Heather Adams. This Plan will assist land managers to improve the condition of the land leading to the protection and improvement of social, economic, environmental and cultural values in the East Gippsland Region.
Dr Julianne Sargant
East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy
Soils Programme Working Group Leader
Executive Summary
This is a plan to address erosion on rural freehold land in East Gippsland over the next five years. Freehold land in the East Gippsland region is prone to either tunnel, gully, sheet and wind erosion or various combinations thereof.
Soil erosion in East Gippsland has a negative impact on both private and public assets. Impacts on freehold land include a reduction in agricultural productivity through the removal of valuable topsoil and hence nutrients, and farm access and safety issues associated with gully and tunnel erosion. Public assets and ecosystem utilities are impacted when eroded sediment is deposited diminishing the health of native ecosystems and waterways and decreasing water quality for domestic supply.
This Soil Erosion Management Plan was developed by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) on behalf of the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (external link) and will direct activity within the Regional Soils Program.
Plan aim
The East Gippsland Soil Erosion Management Plan aims to:
Plan actions have been grouped into six programs containing a suite of management action targets aiming to prevent, mitigate and remediate soil erosion in the land areas classified as having a high to very high erosion risk.
These programs are:
Program A Prevention – reducing the likelihood of erosion initiating
Program B Remediation – reducing the on-site and off-site impacts of erosion
Program C Plan coordination, monitoring and evaluation
Program D Knowledge gaps and regional research
Program E Action in times of natural disturbance: fire, flood, drought and plague
Program F Communication – increasing awareness of the causes and impacts of erosion
1. Introduction
1.1 Plan aim
The East Gippsland soil erosion management plan aims to:
Document | Main Objective/s | Links to the East Gippsland Soil Erosion Management Plan |
Regional Catchment Strategy | Provide collaboration, coordination and direction for the investment of private and public resources in the management of the region’s land, water and biodiversity resources. | Provides an overall context and priorities for action re: soil erosion at a strategic level, the detail of which is provided in this Plan. |
Various regional river health strategies and action plans | Protect the health of waterways including water quality, riparian vegetation etc. | Erosion poses a risk to water quality. |
Water Quality Action Plan | To identify water quality issues (associated with nutrients) and develop and prioritise management actions. | This Plan aims to address erosion posing a risk to water quality for priority waterways. |
Native Vegetation Plan | Maintain native vegetation in good condition and increase the extent of rare and threatened vegetation. | This Plan aims to address erosion threats to significant vegetation. |
Dargo Local Area Weed Plan | To provide land managers with a set of clear and concise policies, actions and priorities for noxious weed management in the Dargo area. | The Plan aims to maintain and/or increase vegetation cover to decrease the risk of soil erosion. |
Victorian Weed Strategy (2002) and Victorian Pest Management – a Framework for action (2002) | These strategies aim to avoid the introduction of new invasive weed and pest species, control new weed and pest problems, reduce the impact of established weed and pest problems and involve the community to ensure cost-effective weed and pest management. | This Plan will work with pest management programs to ensure on ground remedial works are not compromised. |
Landcare Strategy | Strengthen investments in Landcare, support Landcare volunteers, and to help people manage the land. | Developing effective partnerships with Landcare groups to improve soil management will be an integral component of the Plan’s implementation. |
East Gippsland Shire Environmental Management Overlay | To protect areas prone to erosion, landslip or other land degradation processes, by minimising land disturbance and inappropriate development through implementing the State Planning Policy Framework and the Local Planning policy Framework. | Implementation of the Environmental Management Overlay aligns with the Regional Soils Program - 6.1 Program A - Prevention – reducing the likelihood of erosion. |
![]() Figure 1: Area of study for the East Gippsland Soil Erosion Risk Assessment | 2.1 Study area The study will focus only on freehold land in the study area, with public land being identified for its land use but not assessed for the risk of erosion. The freehold land in the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority region used for agricultural production has been divided into ten Asset Management Units (AMUs) and together with the Omeo-Benambra region (the eleventh AMU) comprise the geographical boundaries of the study (Figure 1), a total area of 4,500 square kilometres. 2.2 Land-use and climate The East Gippsland study area covers 24,175 square kilometres (km2). Around 20% (4,500 km2) is freehold and 80% is public land (of which a significant proportion is National Park). The Victorian Alps and mountains of the Great Dividing Range extend from west to east across the northern boundary of the region. Foothills, lowland forests and coastal complexes to the south also extend from west to east, while rivers generally run north to south through the region, dissecting these landforms. Some catchments, such as the Mitchell, Tambo, Snowy and Cann River catchments include deep, mid-catchment, mountain basins which have been extensively cleared for dryland agriculture. |
Private land in the region is concentrated on the red gum plains, coastal plains, mountain plateaus and fertile river valleys. Most freehold land is used for broad acre/extensive grazing industries, ranging from large commercial enterprises to small rural residential properties. Cities and towns occupy a small proportion of land in the region. The main agricultural enterprises include dairying, wool production, cattle and sheep production, hardwood and softwood plantations and vegetable production. Some irrigation is carried out in conjunction with intensive uses such as horticulture and dairying on river flats such as the Mitchell and Snowy River alluvial plains.
A range of climates occur in the EGCMA region from alpine to humid coastal where a moderating influence extends south from coastal New South Wales to Lakes Entrance.
2.3 Soils of East Gippsland
The land systems adjacent to the Gippsland Lakes are mapped in detail by the Nicholson (1978) while the land systems of the larger area of East Gippsland were mapped and documented in the ‘Report on the Gippsland Lakes Hinterland Area’ (Land Conservation Council, 1982). Both reports include broad soil descriptions and a description of the prevalence of sheet, wind and gully erosion.
The land systems and soils of the East Gippsland region are described in detail by Aldrick et al. (1988a, 1988b). The predominant types of soil degradation recognised in the catchments of the Gippsland Lakes are briefly defined in Aldrick et al. (1988a). They include: sheet and rill erosion; gully and tunnel erosion; scour erosion; stream bank erosion; wave erosion; wind erosion; mass movement – soil creep and landslide; nutrient loss; structure decline; water-logging and salting. The land characteristics associated with each process are summarised. Specific information of the climate, geology, soils, vegetation, land-use and erosion type characteristic of each land system is contained in Aldrick et al. (1988b).
Soil mapping throughout the East Gippsland area has been documented in recent times in a series of sustainable soil management manuals. The Bairnsdale and Dargo region has been completed (Sargeant and Sargant, 2005) and a manual detailing the Swifts Creek area is in press. Soil mapping for Far East Gippsland is yet to be completed.
The soils of freehold land north of Buchan and the Omeo-Benambra area were mapped in 2000. A mapping review of the freehold land type in the south-western area of this CMA has also been undertaken (Sargeant, Reynard, McNeill and Rees 2001). Much of this work was the basis for the soils publication of 2005 (Sargeant and Sargant, 2005).
The land east of the Snowy River, including public land, has been mapped on a land system basis (Rees, 1996). A brief indication of land degradation susceptibilities is given in each land unit description. Higher susceptibly is usually found in the lower rainfall areas and those areas with lithologies with higher susceptibility to degradation such as granites, Neogene (Tertiary) and other unconsolidated deposits, and some consolidated sedimentary terrain.
A detailed description of the geomorphology of the region is provided in Appendix A.
![]() Figure 3: Gully erosion near Omeo |
Sheet erosion is the removal of a thin layer of topsoil from the land surface resulting from the effects of raindrop impact and the transport of detached soil particles by splash and thin-film run-off (Rosewell et al 1991). It can be difficult to detect and occurs on steeper slopes where the soil surface is exposed (Aldrick et al 1988a). Rill erosion is the removal of soil within small channels where concentrated run-off water detaches soil particles by hydraulic shear (Figure 2). Rills are ephemeral features that are shallow enough to be obliterated by normal tillage (Aldrick et al 1988a). Sheet and rill are often considered together because thin film flow tends to channelise with distance and therefore the two are inextricably linked. Gully and tunnel erosion Gully erosion involves the removal of soil by running water which results in the development of incised channels deeper than 30 cm. Gully channels are permanent, encounter ephemeral flows during rainfall and are generally too deep to be removed by tillage. They can be formed by the removal of surface soil through concentrated run-off or the removal of sub-surface soil by water and the subsequent collapse of the surface soils (Monea et al 2002). |
![]() Figure 4: Tunnel erosion in the Bairnsdale foothills | ![]() Figure 5: Wind erosion around Swifts Creek |
2.5 Erosion trends in East Gippsland
Freehold land in the East Gippsland region is prone to either tunnel, gully, sheet and wind erosion or various combinations thereof. In general, ‘paddock’ tunnel erosion is the dominant erosion process in the Bairnsdale foothills, particularly in the Glenaladale area and toward Bruthen, while ‘escarpment’ tunnel erosion dominates soil movement along lake foreshores and river escarpments on major drainage lines, particularly the Mitchell River (Sargant and Robinson 2008).
Details of the extent and severity of tunnel and gully erosion on private rural land in East Gippsland have been collected by Department of Primary Industries (DPI) staff through two extensive landholder surveys. Initially DPI contacted landholders in the foothills and coastal areas of the East Gippsland shire about the severity of erosion. Over 100 properties in the Bairnsdale Foothills and Red Gum Plains Asset Management Units were inspected and the erosion classified for type and severity (Sargant and Robinson 2008). A similar survey was subsequently undertaken in 2005 in the high country around Omeo and Benambra. A total of 473 individual gullies were assessed for severity and rated for potential to contribute sediment to local waterways (Slater 2006). Other occurrences have been mapped from anecdotal information provided by experienced staff at the Department of Primary Industries.
Sheet, rill and wind erosion often occur where adverse environmental conditions combined with grazing have led to the loss of protective vegetation cover. The Red Gum Plains were described in the Regional Catchment Strategy as being particularly prone to wind erosion. The upper catchments of the Mitchell, Tambo, and Snowy Rivers are prone to gully and sheet erosion (EGCMA 2005), particularly the steep exposed north facing slopes around Swifts Creek and Ensay. The Lindenow flats and the Bruthen flats are prone to sheet and rill erosion particularly during times of flooding, and are a very high source of sediment to the Mitchell and Tambo rivers during flood events, (pers. comms. Peter Robinson, DPI Bairnsdale).
The Gippsland Lakes Task Force has funded a range of research projects in recent times to both identify and quantify nutrient sources to the Gippsland Lakes. Hancock et al(2007) used a modelling approach to predict the relative importance of sediment and nutrient sources to the Gippsland Lakes. Inputs from hillslope erosion, riverbank erosion, and tunnel/gully erosion from sub-catchments and from different land-uses were quantified using spatial modelling and sediment tracing. The report includes maps of the Gippsland Lakes catchment identifying the sub-catchments that are hotspots for sediment contribution from tunnel/gully erosion and from hillslope erosion. The model predicts some locally significant regions of erosion including hillslope erosion in the upper Tambo River (above Swifts Creek), gully erosion in the upper Tambo River catchment and tunnelling in the lower Mitchell and Tambo catchments. Tunnel erosion in the lower Mitchell catchment is estimated to deliver 8-15% of the Mitchell River sediment yield (Hancock et al 2007).
3 Erosion assessment for East Gippsland
3.1 The LUIM framework
A Land Use Impact Model (LUIM) of the East Gippsland Catchment was developed to assess the risk of sheet and rill, wind and tunnel/gully erosion across the region. The Land Use Impact Model is a land degradation risk assessment framework that has been spatially integrated into a geographic information system (GIS). The LUIM has an aspatial component that incorporates knowledge of relationships between landscape characteristics and management practices, and a spatial component that uses the GIS to map where these relationships are likely to occur in the landscape. The LUIM is used to assess the impacts of land use and land management practices on natural and built assets.
The model was developed by the Department of Primary Industries, Victoria and the University of Queensland as part of the Victorian Government’s Our Rural Landscape, an initiative to develop innovative technologies for the sustainable development of Victoria’s food and agriculture sector. Previous applications of LUIM are described in Appendix B.
The risk assessment framework (Figure 6) used by LUIM is adapted from the Australian Standard AS4360 for risk management (Standards Australia 1995) which defines risk as the chance of a specified event occurring (likelihood) and the magnitude of the anticipated impact of that event (consequence).
Risk: The product of the likelihood that degradation will occur to an asset and the consequence suffered if it happens. Likelihood: The likelihood that degradation will occur depends on the inherent vulnerability of the asset and the role that land use practice may play in causing, aggravating or moderating degradation (management). Hence likelihood is a product of the asset’s inherent susceptibility to degradation and the imposed land use and associated practices. Consequence: The consequence of degradation depends on how incapacitated or dysfunctional the asset becomes (sensitivity) and on the productive and ecological qualities of the asset (value). Consequences may also exist for offsite assets. Susceptibility: The chance (percentage) of a threatening process reaching a threshold rate or magnitude at a given point in the landscape, based on fundamental landscape characteristics. Management: Management actions that influence the susceptibility of the landscape to specific threatening processes. Sensitivity: The level of response of an environmental asset to a specific threatening process of a threshold rate or magnitude. Sensitivity could also be considered as the degree of resilience or ability to recover from disturbance as a result of a threatening process. Value: The assumed worth of a biophysical or built asset based on environmental, social and economic services provided by that asset. |
Each component of the risk framework is derived and mapped separately and then combined to produce spatially explicit assessment outputs for the land assets. Combining each of the framework components involves the establishment of model parameters, also known as the “rules of assessment”, which take the form of matrices adapted from the Australian Standard for risk management (Standards Australia 1995). Rules of assessment are used to combine susceptibility and management to produce likelihood ratings (Appendix B, Table 14), sensitivity and asset value to produce consequence ratings, and likelihood and consequence to produce risk ratings.
A flow diagram (Figure 29) which describes the modelling process is detailed in Appendix B.
The model incorporates a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) which allows the use of available data at any scale and integrates knowledge of the relationship between land management practices, land qualities and threatening processes. The BBN also facilitates the incorporation of uncertainty into the risk assessment by creating outputs based on risk probabilities. Further detail about the BBN created for the model is detailed in Appendix B.
![]() Figure 7: Percentage of are of land use across the eleven Asset Management Units in the study area | ![]() Figure 8: Land use map of the East Gippsland Study Area |
3.3 Susceptibility
Map units were classified (very low, low, moderate, high, or very high) for their inherent susceptibility to each of the erosion types. This classification was applied through the addition of a susceptibility field in the soil layer data. For sheet and rill, and gully and tunnel erosion rule tables from Elliott and Leys (1991), van Gool and Moore (1998), and Baxter et al (1997) were used to combine soil attributes into an overall risk rating. Susceptibility to wind erosion was assessed using rule tables derived from an expert classification by Keith Reynard and Nathan Robinson from the paedology team of Department of Primary Industries.
Susceptibility maps created from the rule tables were reviewed by regional experts and subsequently revised based upon their feedback. The modified susceptibility rule tables and the resultant map outputs are detailed below. It is noted that the estimation of susceptibility based on soil attributes is limited by the soil data available for this study area.
Sheet and rill erosion
The susceptibility to sheet and rill erosion is particularly high where loose soil lays on top of undisturbed or compacted subsoil (Elliot and Leys 1991). In a modelling study to predict sheet and rill erosion over the Australian continent, Lu et al (2003) concluded that slope steepness and land use were the major factors for local variation in erosion rates. On agricultural land, sheet and rill erosion typically occurs during seedbed preparation when soil is most unprotected.
Susceptibility has been assessed as the combination of the soil’s inherent erodibility and the slope of the landform on which the soil sits. Soil erodibility itself is determined through the following attributes:
![]() Figure 9: Soil susceptibility to sheet and rill erosion in East Gippsland based on the modified Elliot and Leys (1991) rule tables | Gully and tunnel erosion Gully and tunnel formation occurs most readily in soils which have slaking or dispersive clay sub-surface soil, in sandy soils and in soils subject to surface crusting. The rate of progress of gully depth and head-ward movement depends on the length and steepness of the slope, the force of water drops or flowing water and the degree of vegetation cover of the soil (Aldrick et al. 1988a). The gully and tunnel susceptibility assessment was modified from Baxter et al (1997) and is based upon an attribute scoring system as outlined below and in Table 20, Appendix D. Total scores are then used to give an overall susceptibility rating (Table 21, Appendix D). A number of soil and landform attributes are combined to provide the susceptibility rating:
![]() Figure 10: Soil susceptibility to gully and tunnel erosion in East Gippsland based on the modified Baxter et al (1997) rule tables. | Due to a lack of data subsoil structure was removed from Baxter’s original rule-set. Depth to rock was also removed and the scoring of substrate lithology modified. Substrate lithology was aggregated into three classes: ‘consolidated’, ‘consolidated and stable’ and ‘unconsolidated’. Consolidated types were given a score corresponding to their ‘depth to ock’ value (refer Table 20). Consolidated and stable types were given a score corresponding to their ‘depth to rock’ less 2. Unconsolidated types were allocated their corresponding slope score, essentially doubling up on the contribution of this landform characteristic to the total susceptibility score. The AMUs in the southern portion of the study area were seen to exhibit tunnel and/or gully erosion as opposed to the AMUs in the north that exhibit only gully erosion (based upon regional knowledge). As such these AMUs have been discriminated in Figure 10. Despite this the assessment for gully and tunnel remains the same across the entire study area. |
| Wind erosion Soils most susceptible to wind erosion are those with single grained structure and poor aggregate stability. Such soils commonly have a large proportion of fine sand particles. In general the higher proportion of silt in the soil, the higher the percentage of non-erodible aggregates and the lower the susceptibility to wind erosion (Semple et al 1988). The criteria used to assess susceptibility to wind erosion was derived and revised through expert classification. Soil attributes considered to be important were:
There was also no organic matter attribute, but some of the topsoil textures indicated organic matter content, e.g. organic clay loam (ocl) and organic loam (ol). It was assumed that ‘ol’ is in the order of >20% organic matter and therefore a susceptibility rating of ‘high’ was given, while ‘ocl’ has 7-20% organic matter and rates as ‘moderate’ susceptibility.
All other topsoil types were assessed based upon topsoil textures where:
Fine medium sands | - | Very high |
Loamy sands | - | High |
Sandy loams / Silty loams | - | High |
Loams / Coarse sands | - | Moderate |
Clay loams | - | Low |
Clays | - | Very low |
![]() Figure 12: The conditional probability values of the BBN management node for Grazing 50%, Sheep, 50% Beef (south land use). Ratings are for sheet and rill erosion. | Martin et al (2005) endorses this knowledge-based approach by noting that “in fields where there is extensive expert knowledge, yet little published data, the use of expert opinion is a cost-effective way of making more confident predictions about the effect of management”. The information collected through these sources is added to each land use within the management node of the model and is documented in Appendix E. An example of the type of information collected for each of these steps is given in Figure 13. The Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) facilitates the incorporation of both spatial and aspatial data, in this case the spatially explicit land use data and the aspatial management practice combination rating (process knowledge) data. The land management input also provides an example of how uncertainty can be incorporated into the model. The BBN employs a conditional probability to combine the distribution percentages of each management practice with the combination ratings to give each map unit the most probable rating for erosion influence (ranging from strongly negative to strongly beneficial). The application of a probability value associated with an uncertainty value to a map unit allows the model to accommodate the spatial uncertainty of management practice distribution. For example, for any map unit classified as Grazing-50% Sheep and 50% Beef, there is a 30% chance of the pasture renovation method being direct drill, and a 70% chance it would be cultivation. Combining the management distributions with the influence on erosion ratings (Section 3 of Figure 13) provides an overall management impact probability value for each map unit. In Figure 12 the management value applied to each map unit of this land use would be ‘Fair’, although a 50% uncertainty exists. |
Price Category | Practices | Estimated Distribution % |
Grazing rotation | graze and spell set stock | 20 80 |
Pasture composition | perennial sown annual annual | 30 20 50 |
Renovation method | direct drill cultivation | 30 70 |
3. The combinations of practices were ranked from best to worst and then given a rating (strongly negative, moderately negative, weakly negative, beneficial, strongly beneficial).
Grazing rotation | Pasture composition | Renovation method | Influence on erosion (south facing slopes) | Influence on erosion (north facing slopes) |
Graze and spell | perennial | direct drill | beneficial | beneficial |
Graze and spell | perennial | cultivation | weakly negative | moderately negative |
Graze and spell | sown annual | direct drill | weakly negative | moderate negative |
Graze and spell | sown annual | cultivation | moderately negative | strongly negative |
Graze and spell | annual | direct drill | weakly negative | moderately negative |
Graze and spell | annual | cultivation | strongly negative | strongly negative |
Set stock | perennial | direct drill | weakly negative | moderately negative |
Set stock | perennial | cultivation | weakly negative | moderately negative |
Set stock | sown annual | direct drill | weakly negative | moderately negative |
Set stock | Sown annual | cultivation | strongly negative | strongly negative |
Set stock | annual | direct drill | weakly negative | moderately negative |
Set stock | annual | cultivation | strongly negative | strongly negative |
Management practices | Susceptibility | ||||
Very low | Low | Moderate | High | Very high | |
strongly negative | very low | moderate | high | very high | very high |
moderately negative | very low | low | moderate | high | very high |
weakly negative | very low | low | low | moderate | high |
beneficial | very low | very low | very low | low | low |
strongly beneficial | very low | very low | very low | low | low |
The output from the model is the application of a likelihood rating for each type of erosion to each map unit which is then mapped (Figure 14, Figure 15 and Figure 16). The likelihood results are useful for understanding the extent of the erosion problem in the region under current land management without any bias on the results based on the consequences of erosion on high value assets. They differentiate between areas susceptible to erosion that are being managed in ways that minimise erosion and susceptible areas that are being inappropriately managed.
3.6 Validation of the model
An initial validation of the model’s output has been done by comparing the gully erosion likelihood ratings against field observations of gully erosion made in the Tambo Valley during 2006 (refer to Appendix F for gully erosion assessment form). The observations match very well with areas designated by LUIM as being at high and very high risk. Furthermore, no observations of gully erosion were made where LUIM had assigned a risk rating of either very low or low. These results (whilst limited in their scope) are encouraging and provide a level of confidence in the accuracy of the model’s outputs. Figure 17 shows how the three categories of gully erosion point observations (low, moderate and high erosion) match with the five classes of LUIM likelihood ratings.
![]() | Modelling work undertaken by Hancock et al (2007) based on a SedNet model and verified using sediment tracers produced comparable results in the identification of high likelihood areas for the tunnel and gully erosion in the parts of the modelled area that overlap with the LUIM. Areas predicted by Hancock et al (2007) to contribute the highest sediment loads (t/ha/y) through hillslope erosion, compare well with the likelihood maps of sheet and rill erosion and wind erosion on freehold land produced by the LUIM. (Areas in the upper Mitchell catchment, modelled by Hancock et al (2007) and identified by Grayson (2006) as having a higher level of uncertainty round load estimates related to bank erosion occurring largely on public land not considered in the LUIM.) |
3.7 Asset value
Each land use category mapped for the region was assigned an asset value rating by regional experts, namely employees from East Gippsland CMA and Department of Primary Industries in Bairnsdale. Each land use was given a relative score based on a set of economic, environmental and social criteria (Table 3) adapted from Heislers and Clifton (2004). The results are presented in Table 22, Appendix G.
The total asset value is derived by combining the scores for all criteria and classifying the results into three interval classes. The interval classes for total asset value were defined as:
Low 8 - 9
Moderate 10 - 12
High 13 - 16
These value ratings were applied to each land use and then mapped (Figure 18). The value ratings relating to the total asset value scores were used in the risk assessment. Appendix G contains an economic, an environmental, and a social asset value map.
Table 3: Criteria used to assess land use asset value (adapted from Heislers and Clifton (2004).
Value group | Asset criteria |
Economic | Asset/service element directly generates substantial economic activity Asset/service element has a high capital value (cost of purchase, construction or establishment) Asset/service element facilitates significant economic activity |
Environmental | The asset/service is of international, national or regional significance The asset is in excellent (environmental) condition The asset is rare |
Social | Heritage value (the asset has strong cultural significance) The asset or its use contributes to maintenance of community (provides significant direct or indirect employment) Visual amenity Social amenity (the asset/service provides substantial amenity to users- shelter, landscape value/personal wellbeing) |
![]() Figure 18: Asset value map using the total value scores and the class interval scheme | 3.8 Sensitivity Discussions with soil experts identified topsoil depth as being the most relevant single attribute to measure “sensitivity” ie the land assets’ ability to be resilient or recover from erosion. The logic used was that the less topsoil there is to lose to soil erosion, the more imperative it is to prevent loss. In this context, topsoil depth was considered to be the depth of the A1 horizon. Topsoil depth was grouped into three classes and rated low, moderate or high (Table 4). It should be noted that the depth of topsoil map only represents a generalised representation of soil depth across the region due to the scale of the soil mapping (1:100,000 scale). In reality, there will be a range of soil depths within any area in the region, but these cannot be accounted for at the scale in which the soil is currently mapped. Figure 19 shows the results of the sensitivity assessment. | ||||||||
| Table 4: Sensitivity rating based on topsoil depth.
4 Regional priorities
4.1 Priority maps
The asset value and sensitivity ratings can be combined to help identify priority areas for protection from erosion (Table 5). This combination becomes the “consequence” component of the risk assessment framework. “Consequence” is then combined through the ‘rules of assessment’ with the likelihood assessment to produce an overall risk assessment for each erosion type (Table 6 and Table 7 ). This is used to produce the priority/risk maps. The rules of assessment used to derive risk for wind erosion have been slightly skewed towards likelihood to represent an emphasis on the lower end of likelihood, ie: no matter what the consequence rating, the very low and low ratings for likelihood will only produce a very low and low risk rating.
Table 5: Consequence matrix used by LUIM to combine asset value and sensitivity ratings
Consequence | Sensitivity | |||
Low | Moderate | High | ||
Asset Value | Low | Very low | Low | Moderate |
Moderate | Low | Moderate | High | |
High | Moderate | High | Very high |
]Table 6: Risk matrix used by LUIM to combine consequence and likelihood ratings for sheet/rill and gully/tunnel erosion
Risk | Consequence | |||||
Very Low | Low | Moderate | High | Very High | ||
| Very low | Very Low | Very Low | Low | Low | Moderate |
Low | Very Low | Low | Low | Moderate | Moderate | |
Moderate | Low | Low | Moderate | Moderate | High | |
High | Moderate | Moderate | High | High | High | |
Very High | High | High | High | Very High | High |
Table 7: Risk matrix used by LUIM to combine consequence and likelihood ratings for wind erosion
Risk | Consequence | |||||
Very Low | Low | Moderate | High | Very High | ||
| Very Low | Very Low | Very Low | Low | Low | Low |
Low | Very Low | Low | Low | Low | Low | |
Moderate | Low | Low | Moderate | Moderate | High | |
High | Moderate | Moderate | High | High | High | |
Very High | High | High | High | Very High | Very High |
The risk maps do not represent the total area likely to experience erosion, but they highlight areas that are of high value where the consequences of erosion will be most significant. The risk maps, representing variation across the region, can be used to inform priority setting. The risk maps generated by the model are displayed in Figure 20, Figure 21 and Figure 22.
4.2 Priority areas for each asset management unit
Area statements for likelihood and risk have been created for the total study area and for each AMU separately (Appendix H). These statements are intended to assist land managers with understanding the potential extent of erosion in the landscape and to set priority areas for erosion management planning.
A number of observations can be made from the risk maps and area statements derived from the LUIM. These observations can assist in the development of a strategic management plan that prioritises areas that are most likely to suffer from erosion degradation problems and that will have the greatest economic, environmental and social consequence. The LUIM can be re-run to show how various land management changes will potentially affect the extent of likely soil erosion problems thereby becoming an effective scenario modelling tool to test the impact of different management solutions. The following graphs (Figure 23, Figure 24 and Figure 25) and observations are derived from the area statements provided in Appendix H.
![]() |
| |
4.3 Priorities to address on-site impacts of erosion
The LUIM outputs (Figure 20, Figure 21 and Figure 22) have identified key land areas at risk of soil erosion across the East Gippsland region. As described previously this risk priority/assessment incorporated an assessment of the economic, environmental and social value of each land-use. These areas have been identified as being prone to erosion due to the intrinsic properties of that site and the land management being applied thereon. Furthermore these are areas where the consequence of erosion will be greatest due to shallow topsoil and, importantly, where the soil asset is of highest social, economic and environmental value to the region. Priorities for action will focus on areas assessed as being at high to very high risk for erosion.
Some observations from the priority maps:
![]() Figure 26: Asset management units of the East Gippsland study area | The resource condition targets in the East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy require an improvement in the soil erosive condition. The proposed management actions are detailed in six programs that aim to: A. reduce the likelihood of erosion initiating B. reduce the impact of erosion through remediation of active sites C. coordinate, monitor and evaluate plan implementation D. address knowledge gaps and instigate regional research E. provide direction in times of natural disturbance: fire, flood, drought and plague F. increase awareness about erosion and advance implementation of the Plan. |
Program A - Prevention Targets | Time | |
Capacity Building | ||
1 | Finalise soil reference manuals for High Country Landcare Network Area (Omeo and Swifts Creek). | Year 1 |
2 | Review Bairnsdale Sustainable soils manual2. | Year 1 |
3 | Develop soils manual for Far East. | Year 2-5 |
4 | Develop locally relevant management options (Beneficial Management Practices) that decrease the risk of erosion in a viable, practical and regionally appropriate manner (eg improved cropping and grazing systems). | Ongoing |
5 | Develop expertise of regional staff in sustainable soil management and effective extension delivery. | Ongoing |
6 | Deliver education, extension programs (including whole farm planning) and technical advice to land managers in priority areas to develop an understanding of the erosion threat to the land asset, the management options available and the incentives to implement land practice change. | Ongoing |
7 | Ensure landholders are informed of incentives to implement land management practices that diminish the risk of erosion. | Ongoing |
Planning | ||
8 | Support NRM agencies in developing staff capacity to: apply planning schemes with respect to erosion and to deliver effective education and extension programs relating to managing erosion risk and sustainable soil management. | Ongoing |
9 | Participate in the East Gippsland Shire ‘EMO’ review to identify areas that are at ‘high’ and ‘very high’ erosion risk for development. | Year 1 |
Tunnel/Gully Erosion | Dargo Mountain, Omeo Benambra, Tambo Mountain, Coastal Hills, Bairnsdale Foothills AMUs |
Sheet and Rill Erosion | Tambo Mountain, Dargo Mountain Omeo Benambra, Buchan Valley AMUs |
Wind Erosion | Red Gum Plains AMU |
Program B - Remediation Works Targets | Time | |
Sheet and Rill | ||
10 | 5000 ha/year4 managed with >80% vegetation cover on average 4/5 years using stock containment, land class fencing, pasture improvement and grazing management. | Annually |
Tunnel/Gully | ||
11. | 1000 ha/yr5 of catchment protected from active erosion | Annually |
12. | 40 sites/yr stabilised using earth works (deep ripping, shaping), application of ameliorants, revegetation and fencing. | ![]() |
Wind | ||
13. | 5000 ha/year6 managed with >80% vegetation cover on average 4/5 years using stock containment, land class fencing, pasture improvement and grazing management. | Annually |
Gippsland Lakes Protection | ||
14. | Focus on sites impacting on the Gippsland Lakes as identified by Hancock et al (2007) and in accordance with nutrient reduction priorities identified by the Gippsland Lakes Task Force priority hotspots.
| Ongoing |
Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Action | Time | |
Coordination | ||
15. | Coordinate the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Action Programs A-F. | On-going |
Erosion Surveys (Benchmarking) | ||
16. | Survey active erosion sites in Red Gum Plains and Tambo Mountain AMUs that have the highest potential to impact private and public assets and communicate these locations to the relevant private land managers. | Year 1 |
17. | Survey active erosion sites in the Dargo Mountain AMU that have the highest potential to impact private and public assets and communicate these locations to the relevant private land managers. | Year 2 |
18. | Maintain database of field inspections and implementation of management action targets and other projects delivering soil health outcomes. | Annually |
19. | Survey stability of sites treated for erosion. | Year 3-5 |
Catchment Monitoring | ||
20. | Develop or adapt suitable performance indicators for monitoring the changes to soils in the region (eg: erosion, salinity, acidification, nutrient decline, acid sulphate soils). | Year 1 |
21. | Participate in catchment monitoring of soils. | Annually |
22. | Review the impact of changing land management on the likelihood and risk of erosion across the region using the LUIM. | Year 5 |
6.4 Program D – Knowledge gaps and regional research
Objective: Address knowledge gaps impeding effective implementation of the soils programs.
Priority Asset Management Unit: Regional Program
Maintenance of tunnel erosion rehabilitation
An effective treatment for tunnel erosion in East Gippsland has been devised within the region (Sargant and Robinson 2008). However, further work is required to develop Beneficial Management Practices for the maintenance of areas that have been ripped and treated with ameliorants for tunnel erosion.
East Gippsland soils data
Unpublished soils data exists in various formats and locations throughout the region. This resource will assist with benchmarking and future trend analysis. There is an opportunity to capture and consolidate this data now.
Other threats to soil health
There is limited information about soil health parameters other than erosion in East Gippsland. Soil acidification, salinity and acid sulphate soils were identified in the East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy (2005) as threats to the freehold land asset. Objective assessments of the losses due to these threats have not been carried out. Some assessment of the impacts of nutrients and sediment inputs to key water bodies has been undertaken, however production losses due to low soil fertility have not been assessed.
Likely impact of climate change
‘It is predicted that rapid climate change will have a range of serious impacts on ecosystem health and ecosystem services’(DSE 2008). Climate change projections from CSIRO Atmospheric Research (DSE 2004) indicate that for East Gippsland whilst the change to annual precipitation is uncertain it is likely that ‘extreme heavy rainfall events may become more intense’. Further, ‘when droughts do occur, they are likely to be more intense due to hotter conditions’ and ‘winds are likely to intensify in coastal regions of Victoria’. ‘There will be increased evaporation rates; it is likely that the soil will be drier, even if precipitation increases and the hotter drier conditions are likely to increase bushfire risk’. These changes are likely to increase the susceptibility of regional soils to erosion.
Market based instruments
Changing land management practices is a key way to reduce the risk of erosion. Land management practices can be influenced by market based instruments such as grants, rebates, subsidies and taxes. Also market focused programs that return a premium price for products that meet strict environmental conditions (ie ‘green labelling’) provide incentive for land management change. There is an opportunity to investigate the wider application of these mechanisms to change land management practices in the region.
Land Use Impact Model
To engage stakeholders and decision-makers the model and its products must be accessible, transparent and understandable. This requires collaboration between the scientists who have developed the information and the purchasers, regional stakeholders and users of the products, involving the end users in the process from the beginning. By doing this the expectations of what the model can provide in terms of its application to a soil erosion management program will be consistent and realistic and the model outputs more likely to be accepted and employed.
Further study involving LUIM and soil erosion in East Gippsland may include:
Knowledge Gaps, Research and Development Actions | Time | |
23. | Develop locally appropriate Beneficial Management Practices for the maintenance of sites treated for tunnel erosion. | Year 1-2 |
24. | Locate, collate and review for publication previously unpublished soils data of the East Gippsland Region. | Annually |
25. | Assess the extent, baselines, trends, impact, causal factors and treatment of acidification. | Year 5 |
26. | Assess the extent, baselines, trends, impact, causal factors and treatment of salinity. | Year 5 |
27. | Assess the extent, baselines, trends, impact, causal factors and treatment of acid sulphate soils. | Year 5 |
28. | Assess the extent, baselines, trends, impact, causal factors and treatment of nutrient decline. | Year 5 |
29. | Assess the likely impact of climate change on erosion risk across the region. | Year 5 |
30. | Investigate soil carbon across the region in relation to climate change. | Year 1-3 |
31. | Assess the wider application of the LUIM in East Gippsland | Year 1 |
32. | Develop a GIS database of field inspections of erosion sites and soil conservation works. | Year 1 |
33. | Investigate the applicability of market based instruments that include actions that reduce the risk of soil erosion and/or treat soil erosion sites. | Year 2-5 |
Actions in Times of Natural Disturbance | Time | |
34. | Develop a generic recovery plan template. | Year 1 |
35. | Assess the extent and nature of the disturbance. | Recovery phase – 1st year |
36. | Develop a plan to manage the risk of on-site and off-site impacts. | Recovery phase – 1st year |
37. | Seek financial assistance to aid the rapid re-establishment of vegetation and implementation of other works as required | Recovery phase – 1st year |
38. | Develop a rehabilitation works program commencing with identified priority areas. | Recovery phase – 1st year |
39. | Implement the works program. | Recovery phase – 1-3 years |
Communication | Time | |
40. | Develop a communication plan for the Soils Program. | Year 1 |
41. | Prepare an annual report for the Soil Erosion Management Plan. | Annually |
42. | Implement the communication plan. | On-going |
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