Monitoring is being conducted to collect data on the extent and severity of dryland salinity across Victoria. The monitoring will enable trends in salinity to be detected, and at paired sites, will indicate whether or not treatment is having an effect.
Salinity is documented using a variety of techniques, and this report details the standard method and procedure adopted in Victoria. The standard enables anyone to conduct monitoring and produce results
directly comparable to their peers, both now and in the future.
The assessment of the extent of the discharge at the site is conducted using electromagnetic induction, vegetation analysis and soil sampling.
The method has been used in Victoria for 10 years and has proven to be reliable.
This report focuses on the discharge monitoring site network. It details the methods used to select and establish a monitoring site, and the re-assessment protocol. It is proposed that these procedures are to be used as the standards for the dryland salinity monitoring network in Victoria.
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