3. Southern Uplands (SU)
3.1 High relief, (moderate elevation, about 250 - 600 m) Otway, Strzelecki and Hoddle Ranges
Wilson’s Promontory consists of granitic mountains and hills and is the most southerly extent of the Australian mainland. The annual rainfall here is over 1 000 mm with much exceeding 1 400 mm. Being a National Park, wide range of native vegetation types occur here including heathlands, heathy woodlands, dry forests and wet forests. Landforms are either related to the granitic outcrops, granitic derived colluvium and alluvium or aeolian and marine deposits in the form of dunefields (relict and recent) and estuaries. Soil types range from shallow stony soils (Rudosols) through to earthy gradational (Dermosols), occasional acidic texture contrast soils (Kurosols) as well as sandy soils (Tenosols). |