Title: 24 to 30 Fossil Localities
Key: wg_lf_sig_traralgon24to30

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This information has been developed from the publications:
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in Central Gippsland (1981) by Neville Rosengren, M.S McRae-Williams and S.M Kraemers,
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance on the Coast of Port Phillip Bay and in the Catchment of Westernport Bay (1984, 88) by Neville Rosengren.
  • Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance in the South Gippsland Marine and Coastal Parks (1989) by Neville Rosengren.
Geological heritage sites, including sites of geomorphological interest and volcanic heritage sites, are under regular revision by the Geological Society of Australia, especially in the assessment of significance and values. Reference should be made to the most recent reports. See the Earth Science Heritage (external link) section of the Geological Society of Australia website for details of geological heritage reports, and a bibliography.

Introduction:Plant fossils are abundant at many localities in Mesozoic rocks in the central and eastern regions of the South Gippsland Hills. Most are found in road cuttings or at cliffed sectors along streams. All rocks are of the Lower Cretaceous Strzelecki Group Zone C (Aptian Stage). The seven localities identified below have been obtained from the Department of Minerals and Energy Unpublished Report 1977/85 on the Carrajung 1: 50, 000 geological mapsheet. All are on Crown Land. A significance and management statement that applies to localities 8221-24 to 8221-30 is provided after site 8221-30.

Site: 24 to 30 Fossil Localities
Australian Soil Classification:
Northcote Factual Key:
Great Soil Group:
World Reference Base:
Map Unit:
APP Mapping Unit:
Soil Type:
Local Soil Type Name:
Soil Management Unit:
Technical Class:
General Landscape Description:
Site Description:
Land Use:
Native Vegetation:
Landscape Photo:
HTML image tag and attributes:
Soil Profile Morphology:
Surface SoilDepth (cm)Description
Surface Soil Footnote:
SubsoilDepth (cm)Description
Subsoil Footnote:

Profile Photo:
HTML image tag and attributes:
Site Photo (image tag and attributes):
Key Profile Feature:
Soil Site Characteristics:
TitlepHSalinity RatingSodicityDispersion
(A1 horizon)
(B21 horizon)
Deep Subsoil
(at cm)
Surface (at cm)
Soil Site Characteristics Footnote:

Analysis Graphs (image tag and attributes):
pHSalinitySodicityClayBoronAluminiumCoarse Sand
Chemical Analysis:
HorizonHorizon Depth (cm)pH (water)pH (CaCl2)EC (dS/m)NaCl %Exchangeable Cations (meq/100g)Organic Carbon
Oxidisable Organic Carbon
Exchangeable Acidity
Exchangeable Aluminium
Boron mg/kg
Available Boron
Surface SoilCaMgKNa
Physical Analysis:
HorizonHorizon Depth (cm)Bulk Density
Field Capacity
pF2.5 w/w g/g %
Wilting Point pF4.2 w/w g/g %Coarse Sand
(0.02-2.0mm) %
Fine Sand (0.02-0.2mm) %Silt (0.02-0.002mm)
Clay (<0.002mm) %Gravel %
Surface Soil

Management Considerations:
Whole Profile:
Surface (A) Horizons:
Subsoil (B) Horizons:
Landholder Comment:
Profile Described By:

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Document Identification:
Document Title:24 to 30 Fossil Localities
Title Colour:black
Title Font Size:3 (default)
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Unique Name: wg_lf_sig_traralgon24to30
Sequence Number:20
Category Type:Natural Resources - Landform
* META Keywords:West Gippsland Sites of Significance
* META Description:Plant fossils are abundant at many localities in Mesozoic rocks in the central and eastern regions of the South Gippsland Hills. Most are found in road cuttings or at cliffed sectors along streams. All rocks are of the Lower Cretaceous Strzelecki Group Zone C (Aptian Stage).

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Content Owner/Coordinator:Doc. Created Date:27/10/2008
Audience: Doc. Modified Date:07/08/2015
Frequence of Update:ParentTitle:Landform
Date Expired:ParentTitle2:Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance
Comments:ParentTitle3:Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance
Business Unit:ParentTitle4:Sites of Geological and Geomorphological Significance - Traralgon Mapsheet
Metadata Created Date:2008-10-27ParentTitle5:
(or PageTitle if >5)
24 to 30 Fossil Localities
Metadata Modified Date:2015-08-07

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Status:Published Published by Belinda Miller at 29/09/2000 14:53:00
Document Author:Belinda Miller/KnowledgeWorks
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Last Changed ByLast Changed OnLast Change Made
Belinda Miller29/09/2000 02:52 PM(no comment)
Created by Belinda Miller on 29/09/2000 12:46 PM