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Winnindoo Clay (Wi,c)


Late Pleistocene alluvial sediments.


Low-lying area within a stagnant alluvial plain.

Original Vegetation

Skene and Walbran (1949) include this area with the low-lying red gum woodland.

Previous Maps and Reports

The soils were called Type F by Skene and Walbran (1948, 1949). Aldrick et al. (1992) includes these soils in the Valencia Land System.


Type F, called here Winnindoo clay, is a saline soil type found in badly drained swampland. It may be strongly gilgaied (“crab-holey”). The soil has a shallow dark grey light or medium surface soil up to 15 cm deep. Dominantly grey clays continue to at least 1m depth.

Chemical and Physical Analysis

No analyses of this soil were carried out during the present survey. Site A12 (see Other Site Data) reported in Aldrick
et al. (1992) is on the edge of an area mapped as Winnindoo clay.

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