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Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)

Present distribution

Scientific name:

Sorbus aucuparia L.
Common name(s):

map showing the present distribution of sorbus aucuparia
Map showing the present distribution of this weed.

Native to Europe, Rowan has been observed in spruce forest, woodland, scrubland, heath, in cliffs, roadsides, disturbed places and the margins of plantations (Butcher 1961; Jonasova & Prach 2004; Raspe et al 2000; Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988). Rowans native distribution ranges from coastal to 2000m and to 71 N in Norway (Raspe et al 2000).

Potential distribution

Potential distribution produced from CLIMATE modelling refined by applying suitable landuse and vegetation type overlays with CMA boundaries

Map Overlays Used

Land Use:
Forest private plantation; forest public plantation

Broad vegetation types
Coastal scrubs and grassland; coastal grassy woodland; heathy woodland; lowland forest; heath; box ironbark forest; inland slopes woodland; sedge rich woodland; dry foothills forest; moist foothills forest; montane dry woodland; montane moist forest; sub-alpine woodland; plains grassy woodland; valley grassy forest; herb-rich woodland; sub-alpine grassy woodland; montane grassy woodland; riverine grassy woodland; riparian forest; rainshadow woodland; wimmera / mallee woodland

Colours indicate possibility of Sorbus aucuparia infesting these areas.

In the non-coloured areas the plant is unlikely to establish as the climate, soil or landuse is not presently suitable.
map showing the potential distribution of sorbus aucuparia
Red= Very highOrange = Medium
Yellow = HighGreen = Likely


1. Restrict human access?Rowan seedlings and saplings have been reported at densities of 2500 to 31,900 per hectare (Homolka & Heroldova 2003). The species could therefore from dense thickets and be of high nuisance value.
2. Reduce tourism?There is no evidence of the species disrupting tourism. It is however a deciduous ornamental tree and could alter the aesthetics of an area (Raspe et al 2000).
3. Injurious to people?Cases of contact dermatitis with this species have been reported. (Aalto-Korte et al 2005).
4. Damage to cultural sites?There is no evidence of the species impacting upon a cultural site or infrastructure. It is however a deciduous ornamental tree and could alter the aesthetics of an area (Raspe et al 2000).
5. Impact flow?Rowan is a tree species not closely associated with water; no evidence has been reported of this species impacting upon water flow.
6. Impact water quality?Rowan is a tree species not closely associated with water; no evidence has been reported of this species impacting upon water quality.
7. Increase soil erosion?Tree species which has been recommended for use to combat landslides (Stucki 1981). Therefore large scale soil movement is unlikely to occur in association with this species.
8. Reduce biomass?Rowan is a tree species to approximately 17m tall in more open habitats such as heath or cliff faces it would be an increase in biomass, in most cases in woodland or forest it is likely to be a direct replacement (Butcher 1961).
9. Change fire regime?In a model designed for forest species of Spain Rowan has been found to be extremely flammable in spring and summer, and still being very flammable in autumn (Nunez-Regueira, Anon & Castineiras 1997). It is unknown how the introduction of this species to vegetation in Australia is going to alter the fire regime of that vegetation.
Community Habitat
10. Impact on composition
(a) high value EVC
EVC= Plains Grassy Woodland (E); CMA= Wimmera; Bioreg= Greater Grampians; VH CLIMATE potential.
Rowan rarely forms pure stands in its native range, however with reported seedling densities of up to 31,900 ha-1 is could cause some major displacement of species (Homolka & Heroldova 2003; Raspe et al 2000).
(b) medium value EVCEVC= Hills Herb-rich Woodland (D); CMA= North Central; Bioreg= Goldfields; VH CLIMATE potential.
Rowan rarely forms pure stands in its native range, however with reported seedling densities of up to 31,900 ha-1 is could cause some major displacement of species (Homolka & Heroldova 2003; Raspe et al 2000).
(c) low value EVCEVC= Scrub-pine Woodland (LC); CMA= North Central; Bioreg= Goldfields; VH CLIMATE potential.
Rowan rarely forms pure stands in its native range, however with reported seedling densities of up to 31,900 ha-1 is could cause some major displacement of species (Homolka & Heroldova 2003; Raspe et al 2000).
11. Impact on structure?Rowan rarely forms pure stands in its native range, however with reported seedling densities of up to 31,900 ha-1 is could cause some major displacement of species (Homolka & Heroldova 2003; Raspe et al 2000). As a deciduous tree species invasion by this species could impact upon upper and lower strata to some extent.
12. Effect on threatened flora?There is no evidence of this.
13. Effect on threatened fauna?Producing excessive fruit can encourage larger birds to the detriment of smaller birds (Cremer 1990). There is no specific evidence of the species impact upon threatened species.
14. Effect on non-threatened fauna?Producing excessive fruit can encourage larger birds to the detriment of smaller birds (Cremer 1990). Could potentially alter vegetation structure and therefore habitat, it is unknown to what extent this would impact upon the fauna.
15. Benefits fauna?A fruiting tree species, it can be browsed, the fruits eaten by birds and mammals and the tree itself used as habitat. There is no evidence reported however of Australian species using rowan.
16. Injurious to fauna?Bark extract have been found to contain salicyl alcohol and salicyladehyde which guinea pigs have been found to react to (Aalto-Korte et al 2005).
Pest Animal
17. Food source to pests?Deer browse the species especially young saplings (Homolka & Heroldova 2003).
Fruit eaten by starlings and blackbirds (Raspe et al 2000).
18. Provides harbor?An important food source for blackbirds and thrushes such as starlings in its native Europe as a tree it is likely to also form harbour for these species. (Raspe et al 2000).
19. Impact yield?Only reported on the margins of plantations in New Zealand, unlikely to have a significant impact (Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988).
20. Impact quality?Only reported on the margins of plantations in New Zealand, unlikely to have a significant impact (Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988).
21. Affect land value?Only reported on the margins of plantations in New Zealand, unlikely to have a significant impact (Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988).
22. Change land use?Only reported on the margins of plantations in New Zealand, unlikely to have a significant impact (Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988).
23. Increase harvest costs?Only reported on the margins of plantations in New Zealand, unlikely to have a significant impact (Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988).
24. Disease host/vector?Can be severely effected by fire blight (Evans 1996).
Primary host of the apple moth which is the most important apple pest in Scandinavia, it is not present in Australia however (Satake, Bjornstad & Kobro 2004; AQIS 1998).


1. Germination requirements?Seeds require cold stratification to break dormancy and emerge in Spring (Raspe et al 2000).
2. Establishment requirements?Seedlings and saplings are particularly tolerant of shade (Raspe et al 2000).
Similar numbers of seedlings have been observed in forest gaps and under canopy indicating rowan is tolerant of shading (Jonasova, van Hees & Prach 2006).
3. How much disturbance is required?In Britain Rowan has been reported growing in heath (Butcher 1961; Raspe et al 2000).
4. Life form?Tree (Raspe et al 2000). Other
5. Allelopathic properties?No evidence of allelopathy in this species.
6. Tolerates herb pressure?Rowan does have nutritional value and is palatable for many species (Homolka & Heroldova 2003).
Establishment in some areas has been prevented with Rowan having some of the largest seedling cohorts in a woodland situation and established trees virtually absent (Linder, Elfving & Zackrisson 1997).
It can tolerate heavy browsing, A third of the shoots can be browsed during winter with no serious impacts on sapling survival or regeneration. On average in areas with higher light levels it takes 7.6 years for a saplings terminal shoots to be out of range of browsing deer (Homolka & Heroldova 2003).
The species has few insect species occur in association with this species in its native range (Raspe et al 2000).
Therefore the species is readily consumed, but is likely to persist once established.
7. Normal growth rate?A pioneer species adapted to a short growing season of the northern latitudes (Raspe et al 2000). Described as having a rapid growth rate by the USDA, it is therefore likely to be equal to other competitive tree species.
8. Stress tolerance to frost, drought, w/logg, sal. etc?Frost tolerant; Decidous species native to Europe as far north as 71˚N in Norway (Raspe et al 2000).
Waterlogging; Raspe et al (2000) describe it as not tolerant of flooding, stating that it causes reduced growth and Jonasova & Prach (2004) describe seedlings with a reduced growth rate in waterlogged forest. This displays a tolerance to periodic inundation and waterlogging. While Raspe et al (2000) states that it is “characteristic of well-drained soils” and absent from wetlands.
Deciduous and occurs in areas which receive annual snow cover of 160 days with up to 2m of snow.
Able to tolerate seasonal drought, keeping up leaf conductance until having a stem water potential of -4 MPa (Vogt & Losch 1999).
Nunex-Regueira et al (1997) found it to be extremely flammable unknown ability to regenerate after the fire.
Unknown tolerance to salinity has been reported in coastal areas (Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988).
9. Reproductive systemMain reproductive method is sexual which can be through self or cross pollination, however fruiting is improved with cross pollination (Raspe et al 2000). Suckering is reported to be rare, however it has been observed in New Zealand (Raspe et al 2000; Webb, Sykes & Garnock-Jones 1988)
10. Number of propagules produced?Reported fruit production varies in the literature.
Satake, Bjornstad & Kobro (2004) state berry production to potentially vary between 0 and more than 100,000 year to year .
Fruit production has been reported as 50-3020kg ha-1, as fruit weighs between 0.2-0.68g, fruit production would be in the vicinity of 6000 ha-1, and with fruits containing between 1 and 10 seeds this could result in an estimated 30,000 seeds ha-1 (Raspe et al 2000).
Even with a conservative estimate trees would be capable of producing more than 2000 seeds in one season.
11. Propagule longevity?Seeds have two dormancies which is broken by cold stratification, seeds then exposed it higher temperatures can go into a second dormancy (Raspe et al 2000).
After a five year study only a small fraction of seeds remained viable, largely because of seeds germinating in the second year (Granstrom 1987). Therefore propagule longevity is viewed as low.
12. Reproductive period?Can live for up to 150 years (Raspe et al 2000).
13. Time to reproductive maturity?Begin to produce fruit after about 15 years (Raspe et al 2000).
14. Number of mechanisms?Red berries dispersed by birds and some mammals, including starlings and blackbirds (Raspe et al 2000)
15. How far do they disperse?In the northern hemisphere two dispersal distances have been observed between 1 and 50m and 300 and 350m (Jonasova, van Hees & Prach 2006).
Starlings which have been reported to consume the species fruit in europe have been reported dispersing olive seeds 40km (Raspe et al 2000; Spennemann & Allen 2000).


Aalto-Korte K., Valimaa J., Henriks-Eckerman M.L. & Jolanki R., 2005, Allergic contact dermatitis from salicyl alcohol and salicyladehyde in aspen bark (Populus tremula). Contact Dermatitis. 52: 93-95.

Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service [AQIS], 1998, Final Import Risk Analysis of the importation of fruit of Fuji Apple (Malus pumila Miller var. domestica Schneider) From Aomori Prefecture in Japan. Pg 21.

Butcher R.W., 1961, A New Illustrated British Flora. Part 1. Lycopodiaceae to Salicaceae. Leonard Hill Limited. London.

Cremer K.W., (ed) 1990, Trees for Rural Australia. Inkata Press. Melbourne.

Evans I.R., 1996, Impact of fire blight on Rosaceous in central Alberta. Acta Horticulturae. 411; 27-28.

Granstrom A., 1987, Seed viability of fourteen species during five years of storage in a forest soil. Journal of Ecology. 75: 321-331.

Homolka M. & Heroldova M., 2003, Impact of large herbivores on mountain forest stands in the Beskydy Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management. 181: 119-129.

Jonasova M. & Prach K., 2004, Central-European mountain spruce (Picea albies (L.) Karst.) forests; regeneration of tree species after a bark beetle outbreak. Ecologcial Engineering. 23: 15-27.

Jonasova M., van Hees A. & Prach K., 2006, Rehabilitation of monotonous exotic coniferous plantations: A case study of spontaneous establishment of different tree species. Ecological Engineering. 28: 141-148.

Linder P., Elfving B. & Zackrisson O., 1997, Stand structure and successional trends in virgin boreal forest reserves in Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management. 98: 17-33.

Nunez-Regueira L., Anon J.A.R. & Castineiras J.P., 1997, Calorific values and flammability of forest species in Galicia, continental high mountainous and humid Atlantic zones. Bioresource Technology. 61: 111-119.

Raspe O., Findlay C. & Jacquemart A., 2000, Sorbus aucuparia L.. Journal of Ecology. 88: 910-930.

Satake A., Bjornstad N. & Kobro S., 2004, Masting and trophic cascades: interplay between rowan tress, apple fruit moth, and their parasitoid in southern Norway. Oikos. 104: 540-550.

Spennemann. D.H.R. & Allen. L.R., 2000, Feral olives (Olea europaea) as future woody weeds in Australia: a review. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 40: 889-901.

Stucki B., 1981, Vegetation cover and the threat of landslides on the NW slope of the Buochserhorn, Switzerland. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen. 132: 865-874.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2007, PLANTS Profile, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plants Database, viewed 19 Feb 2007

Vogt U.K. & Losch R., 1999, Stem water potential and leaf conductance: a comparison of Sorbus aucuparia and Sambucus nigra. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 24: 121-123.

Webb C.J., Sykes W.R. & Garnock-Jones P.J., 1988, Flora of New Zealand, Vol 4, Botany Division, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Zealand.

Global present distribution data references

Australian National Herbarium (ANH) 2007, Australia’s Virtual Herbarium, Australian National Herbarium, Centre for Plant Diversity and Research, viewed 19 Feb 2007,

Den virtuella floran (DVF) 2007, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, viewed 23 Feb 2007,

Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) 2006, Flora information system [CD-ROM], Biodiversity and Natural Resources Section, Viridans Pty Ltd, Bentleigh.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) 2007, Global biodiversity information facility: Prototype data portal, viewed 19 Feb 2007,

Missouri Botanical Gardens (MBG) 2007, w3TROPICOS, Missouri Botanical Gardens Database, viewed 23 Feb 2007,


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