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Site: MM807Land Unit: Hawksdale Basalt
Aust. Soil Class.: Ferric, ?, Brown CHROMOSOL (confidence level 4)

General Land Unit Description:
The gently undulating rises in the Hawkesdale area consists of Brown Chromosols with a ferric horizon above the clay, and also with bleached and unbleached A2 horizons. Some rises have a few scattered surface stones and there are minor occurrences of Ferric Black Chromosols, particularly on the lower slopes or drainage depressions.

Site Description:
Geology: Quaternary basaltLandform pattern: Gently undulating rises
Position in landscape: Mid-slopeInternal drainage: Imperfectly drained

Soil Profile Morphology

A10-10 cmVery dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) clay loam, massive structure, weak consistence when dry and moderately moist, pH 6. Sharp transition to:

A210-30 cmLight grey (10YR7/2) clay loam, sporadically bleached when dry, weak consistence when moderately moist, pH 6.3. Sharp transition to:

B2130-60 cmBrown (10YR4/3) medium clay, yellowish brown mottles (10YR5/8), moderate blocky structure (10-20 mm), firm consistence when moist and dry, many ferromanganiferous nodules, pH 6.6. Clear transition to:

B2260+ cmYellowish brown (10YR5/6) medium clay, red mottles (2.5YR4/6), strong blocky structure (5-10 mm), firm consistence when moist and dry, a few ferromanganiferous nodules, pH 6.2.

Key profile features:

  • Strong texture contrast between topsoil and subsoil
  • Ferromanganiferous nodules
  • Mottled subsoil
Soil pit MM807 graphs
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