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Site: MM779Land Unit: Basalt Alluvial
Aust. Soil Class.: Episodic, Epipedal, Grey VERTOSOL (confidence level 2)

General Land Unit Description:
This land unit consists of the smaller swamps and depressions which occur on the basalt plains. Grey Vertosols tend to dominate the smaller swamps and depressions on the plains. Black Vertosols are commonly found in the swamps and depressions associated with the stony rise landscapes and the larger alluvial plains. Both soil types are typically sodic at depth and imperfectly drained. There are minor occurrences of Sodosols (MM667). In some areas of the basalt plain, this land unit would have been incorporated into the basalt land units.

Site Description:
Geology: Quaternary alluvialLandform pattern: Plain
Position in landscape: Drainage depressionInternal drainage: Imperfectly drained

Soil Profile Morphology

A10-20 cmVery dark grey (10YR3/1) medium clay, strong blocky structure (5-10 mm), pH 7.7; gradual transition to:

B2120-100+ cmDark grey (10YR4/1) medium clay, strong blocky structure (20-50 mm), smooth fabric, pH 8.1.

Key profile features:

  • clay throughout
  • Subsoil dispersive when worked when wet
  • Subsoil sodic at depth
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